The Cognitive Factory – Scaling AI Innovation Within an Enterprise
In today’s world, new technologies, including artificial intelligence, offer great possibilities with potentials to be able to answer to urging global questions. Within organisations, they also offer a competitive advantage to understand huge amount of complex & unstructured data better, and provide more tailored solutions & services. On a higher level, technology enables businesses not only to remain or become competitive but also to stay in the game.
In order to emerging technologies and AI to evolve, new approaches, activities and processes are needed. AI on its own is only a chance, but when machine meets mind and innovation sets in – then, the sky is the limit.
How our peers and competitors finding their ways in this new digital era? What projects have succeeded or failed? What learning outcomes did they have during the processes? All in all, what is there to learn from each other to harness the power of new technologies? These are some of the questions that we are discussing at the this upcoming CognitiveTank.
Brief Event Agenda Overview
13:30 – 14:00 Pre-event networking and check-in
14:00 – 15:45 Keynotes and use cases
15:45 – 16:15 Networking break
16:20 – 17:05 Workshops
17:05 – 17:35 Networking Break
17:35 – 18:30 Use cases & panel discussion & keynotes
18:30 – 20:00 Networking flying dinner
Date & Time
18th September 2019, @13:30
Registration / Pre-Event Networking
13:30 – 14:00
Event Agenda
14:00 – 18:30
Host & Location
IBM Switzerland AG
Vulkanstrasse 108, 8048 Zurich
Presentations are held in German and English
All slides are in English
Event participation is by invitation only
Keynote Speakers

Franziska Reist
Consulting Leader & Member of the Board
IBM Schweiz
Welcome by IBM and Introduction into the Cognitive Asset Factory

Malysan Offermann
AI Banking Consultant
IBM Schweiz
Welcome by IBM and Introduction into the Cognitive Asset Factory

Patrick Lustenberger
Analytics and Data Science Consultant
IBM Schweiz
Welcome by IBM and Introduction into the Cognitive Asset Factory

Philippe Niquille
Head of Operation
Rocket Science
Adaptive Active Sound Control With Artificial Intelligence

Marc-Oliver Gewaltig
AI Strategist
Digital Rail – How Artificial Intelligence Transforms Our Railways

Manuel Oriol
R&D Technology Manager for IoT Systems and Data Analytics
Lifetime Estimation & Maintenance of Stator Winding with ML

Francesco Brenna
AI & Analytics Leader Europe
IBM Schweiz
Lifetime Estimation & Maintenance of Stator Winding with ML

Juerg Schleier
Country Manager DACH
Voice Recognition to Increase Customer Satisfaction & Cost Saving –Underpinned With AI

Simon Gsponer
Analytics & Data Science Consultant
IBM Schweiz
Unlocking Complex Information Sources With the Power of “Legal Advisor” Algorithms

Frank Kremer
Manager Parts Competence Center
Voice Recognition to Increase Customer Satisfaction & Cost Saving –Underpinned With AI

David Sharma
Machine Learning Developer
Compete with an AI challenge to learn how Computer Vision works

Arnaud Dolignon
Liquid Studio Lead DACH
Compete with an AI challenge to learn how Computer Vision works

Tyler Merritt
VP Platform Development
Making Digital Platforms Intelligent with Artificial Intelligence

Nikola Čihorić
Specialist of Radiation Oncology, Insel Gruppe
Informatician & Founder, niAnalytics GmbH
How Natural Stupidity may be Corrected by the Proper Utilization of Technology and AI

Gianluca Antonini
Executive Partner, Cognitive & Analytics, Financial Services Sector
Evolving in the Era of AI – New Approaches, Activities & Processes

Erick Caron
Country Digitalization Acceleration Leader
Evolving in the Era of AI – New Approaches, Activities & Processes

Grégory Lukowski
Open Innovation Manager
Swiss Post
Evolving in the Era of AI – New Approaches, Activities & Processes

Philippe Nikolaus
Master@IBM Security Services, Master@IBM Watson AI & Advanced Analytics
Unlocking Complex Information Sources With the Power of “Legal Advisor” Algorithms
Andy Fitze
AI Influencer, Co-Founder
SwissCognitive – The Global AI Hub

Krisztian Pozsa
Senior Consultant
Fourth – IR / Trestle Group
How AI May Influence Your Very Next Dental Clinique Visit
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