As the internet develops, so do Ecommerce Businesses. In the past, it was fairly easy to manage an online store. However, today, there are many factors to consider. The smallest thing can increase sales and customer retention or do the exact opposite. This is where AI tools come into play. These tools are so powerful that they’re transforming the way ecommerce stores present their products, create content, and manage marketing.

SwissCognitive Guest Blogger: Milica Strugar, Content Writer of CyberCrew UK

SwissCognitive, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Bots, CDO, CIO, CI, Cognitive Computing, Deep Learning, IoT, Machine Learning, NLP, Robot, Virtual reality, learningTechnology developments have led to the rise of ecommerce and the freedom to shop anytime, anywhere. For example, a customer from the US can easily visit an Australian ecommerce store and make a purchase.

Ecommerce we know today is changing and improving way faster than 40 years ago when it was first introduced. One of the latest technologies, artificial intelligence, is also constantly evolving, and it has found its place in ecommerce. Here’s how AI helps transform online businesses.

1) Provides Powerful Tools for SEO

SEO is one of the best ways to bring in the right customers. It might seem complicated to develop and implement an SEO strategy, but with the latest AI tools, ranking an ecommerce store on the first page of Google has become easier. AI can be used to:

  • Choose content topics
  • Analyze keywords
  • Manage competition analyses
  • Create content in bulk

Many AI platforms help businesses and their employees find the latest topics that people are talking about online. These topics can be used to present the right product or service to the right customer. Other SEO platforms have various features, and ecommerce businesses can find all they need in one place to manage keyword research and competition analyses.

Even though AI-generated content isn’t exactly high-quality, ecommerce stores can use this technology to create content faster and in bulk. Writers and editors can later improve the content and post it online.

2) Adds More Options for Accessibility

A properly optimized website is also accessible to people with disabilities. It shows that a business cares about all customers. Many AI-based technologies help disabled people use websites like everyone else, allowing them to shop and explore products without obstacles. For example, automatic speech recognition (ASR) software converts speech into text in real time, helping visually impaired users. AI-based algorithms can also create text summaries to break down long articles into smaller and digestible paragraphs.

3) Enhances Customer Experience

There are several ways in which AI helps customers navigate ecommerce websites. First, it allows for personalized search that helps customers find relevant products, get the best price, and find answers to the most common questions.

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AI can even go that far to analyze and anticipate if a buyer will return an item. Let’s say that a customer has multiple sizes of the same clothing item added to cart and has read the return policy and size guide. That means that the customer is still unsure of which size is the right one. That’s where AI-powered chatbots come into play to make the selection process easier and avoid costly returns. 

4) Improves Customer Service

Regarding customer service features, AI brings even more benefits. The customer service team can better organize their tasks if a store is utilizing AI tools like chatbots. Chatbots are extremely powerful and can completely or partially replace customer support.

On the other hand, store visitors usually use them to get quick answers to basic questions. They don’t have to wait for a customer support rep to reply. Chatbots can handle multiple queries at the same time but can always redirect a customer to a human if the question is too complex.

With chatbots, the agent availability is optimized, wait times are shorter, and customers enjoy a proactive service. These tools can be personalized and used to build brand recognition as well. Since chatbots never sleep, customers can use them 24/7 across multiple channels.

5) Helps With Supply Chain

The world is speeding up, and so is the supply chain. Chances are, the level of machine automation in the supply chain will double in the next five years, and AI already plays a key role. For starters, it helps people effectively manage inventory.

This ensures the right flow of items in and out of the warehouse. In addition, AI inventory tools analyze big data, forecast supply and demand, and minimize overstocking costs.

AI tools can also be used to enhance employee and material safety. For example, they can analyze the workspace data and inform manufacturers of potential risks. AI is also used for on-time delivery, where it reduces the need for manual efforts and speeds up the processes.

6) Optimizes Products and Services

AI has the power to help ecommerce businesses sell more by optimizing prices. For example, it can be used to serve limited-time offers to potential buyers and increase sales.

Since ecommerce businesses promote and share their products on social media, they can benefit from image recognition and tagging. The best example is Pinterest, where its image recognition AI software helps users identify similar products.

Even though AI still hasn’t reached the human level of product description quality, many ecommerce businesses still use it to speed up the process of writing product descriptions. These AI tools can also create dynamic descriptions that address the needs of every buyer.

7) Improves Marketing

One of the best applications of AI in ecommerce is related to marketing. Since AI can analyze big data, it’s useful for managing marketing campaigns. For example, it can collect and process sets of data and compile them into reports to help improve paid ads.

AI can also manage predictive analytics, which is used in personalization. This way, marketing becomes more targeted, and companies can offer the right products to the right customer.

Another benefit of AI in marketing is that it can optimize campaign spending and automate targeting. In addition, it can process ad spend and other data to improve performance. This helps businesses manage the budget successfully.


AI undoubtedly transforms the way people use various tools, especially the internet. This is why it has found its place in ecommerce, improving businesses and helping them move forward.

Today, there are so many AI tools that help in website optimization, content creation, and customer service. AI also assists people in managing the supply chains. Chances are, AI will continue to transform ecommerce businesses in the future, and the tools will drastically improve.

About the Author:

Milica is a content writer for She is a tech enthusiast who keeps abreast of the latest technology news and developments. She is passionate about exploring any modern tech available to produce better solutions for everyday living.