Artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and natural language processing (NLP) are three of the most powerful technologies that our modern society has access to. They can process data in huge quantities in a way that no human being could hope to achieve, and they will revolutionize the way we look at every aspect of our lives.

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SwissCognitive, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Bots, CDO, CIO, CI, Cognitive Computing, Deep Learning, IoT, Machine Learning, NLP, Robot, Virtual reality, learningAt the same time, they can be pretty complicated to understand, especially for people who aren’t used to working with new technologies. The problem is that you can’t just bury your head in the sand and hope that AI, ML, and NLP will go away. Because society will move on without you and you’ll end up getting left behind.

How to Explain AI, Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing

The good news is that as long as you use simple language and accessible examples, there’s no reason why you can’t explain them to even the most old-fashioned and tech-averse people in your company. Your accessibility to the explanations is important because without encouraging other people at your company to buy into new technologies, you’re not going to be able to roll them out across your company.

In fact, these three technologies are already so pervasive that it’s no longer just useful to know about them. It’s mandatory. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at AI, ML and NLP, along with their implications for you and your business.

How to explain AI?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the use of technology to mimic the human brain. Normally, computers and algorithms function by responding to human input and following a set of rules programmed into them when they were first developed.

Artificial intelligence is a little different in that it’s designed to work more like a human being.

For example, let’s use an algorithm that looks at photos to determine whether they show a cat. A traditional algorithm might follow a set of criteria, looking for whiskers or for cat ears, and it might get tricked by someone dressed up for a fancy dress party. In contrast, an AI algorithm would be provided with thousands of pictures of cats and left to its own devices. It would form its own conclusions of what a cat looked like and be able to function much more like a human being. After all, do you look at a cat and run through a checklist to determine whether it is actually a cat? Or do you just know what a cat looks like?

AI — a prediction machine

Artificial intelligence algorithms have also been called “prediction machines,” and the reason for that is that they essentially predict what a human might think or do in any given situation. That’s actually how self-driving cars work. They don’t have a ton of different algorithms telling them what to do, but rather they’ve analyzed millions of miles of human driving and use that to make predictions on what a human driver would do. […]

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