A recent study from the Pew Research Center showed that 53% of people in 20 countries feel that artificial intelligence has been a good thing for society. While over half the world’s population has a positive view of AI, this means that one in every three people in these countries are concerned about the impacts AI can have on society.

Copyright by Mark Minevich, www.forbes.com

SwissCognitive, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Bots, CDO, CIO, CI, Cognitive Computing, Deep Learning, IoT, Machine Learning, NLP, Robot, Virtual reality, learningHow do we ensure that AI is trustworthy and its benefits are shared by all? As the statistics show, while there is incremental improvement, there is still a level of hesitancy and suspicion towards AI among the citizens around the world. 

In May of 2019 the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) released its Recommendation on Artificial Intelligence (OECD AI Principles). This was the first international standard on AI. It’s purpose is to foster public trust and confidence in AI technologies and realize their potential. One month later, the G20 – which includes key AI players like China and India – welcomed the G20 AI Principles, drawn from this same set of principles.

From then onwards, the OECD set out to help countries implement the AI Principles. It is doing so through the OECD.AI Policy Observatory and its network of experts. OECD.AI is an inclusive hub for public policy on AI that helps countries encourage, nurture and monitor the development and use of trustworthy AI. The OECD.AI network of experts is an international community for discussing common AI policy opportunities and challenges in depth, composed of over 150 experts from around the world. 

To gain deeper insights to this important global OECD.AI initiative, I had a deep dive discussion with OECD officials. From the measurement of AI trends and developments to the direction and impact of national and regional AI policies and initiatives, OECD.AI is a prime example of how to move the AI discussion from principles to practice. Its goal is to promote the development and use of AI that is trustworthy and respects human rights and democratic values.

Ensuring that the benefits of AI are shared by all is a mission not exclusive to the OECD. It requires the participation and contributions of AI experts, visionaries and leaders worldwide. Governments and intergovernmental organizations must establish venues for dialogue on AI good practices and use cases such as ITU AI for Good initiative among others. As Vice-Minister, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan, Makiko Yamada stated, “when discussing policies in government, it is essential to be able to cite comparative materials from other countries. The ability to learn about each countries’ AI policies, online, exactly matches the needs of policymakers.”  […] 

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