The Shifting Investment Ecosystem

Over the last months, we have been witnessing an unexpected transformation in our economies. While some industries and organisations are fighting for survival, others had doors of opportunities opened. Our innovative and sustainable thinking is tested to its limits, and the steps we take today will bring consequences that reach humanity in all corners of the world. Going back a little further in history, we can reflect on how the internet and mobile revolutions of the past decades fueled trillions of dollars of investment, generating an incredible growth of efficiency and productivity across all industries. Today, AI-related technologies are promising the same benefits – if not beyond.

«Our innovative and sustainable thinking is tested to its limits, and the steps we take today will bring consequences that reach humanity in all corners of the world.»


Investing in AI – a Global Perspective

With the growth of big data, cheaper and increased computer power, and deep learning-fueled algorithms, AI fundings are seem to be coming from every corner of the ecosystem.  With both public and private sector funders beginning to understand AI’s capabilities and potentials, startups, established technology players, enterprises, governments, VCs and consulting firm investments are skyrocketing into this industry. Venture capital firms are fueling startups and funding the brains behind projects. Governments are pushing funds into AI research and development. Enterprises are allocating their budgets to buying and implementing cognitive technology solution.

AI’s transformational power is driving investments across the world in much the same way how mobile, social, cloud, and other technologie have done. The reasons, at the end of the day, are not rocket science. Transformation means change. Change means opportunity. And where there’s opportunity, there is interest and investment.

«Transformation means change. Change means opportunity. And where there’s opportunity, there is interest and investment.»


The pressure is on. The shakedown-test of AI investments is on.

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Where our focus falls and where our resources are invested are vital for both society and business. Let’s gain experts’ view, varying from VCs, Investors and Startups, to find out how the global AI investment ecosystem has been changing across industries, and where risks, opportunities and ROI lie with AI.

To shed light on the current global investment climate, and therefore on how investments in AI have been rethought and shifted, SwissCognitive invites experts and leaders to our next CognitiveVirtual for open and transparent discussions. The global speakers will reveal how the present global challenge impacts investments and budget allocations, and while society and the world is watching closely, where government and VC funds are shifting.


Join us on the 17th September at the CognitiveVirtual, learn from experts and connect with them on the virtual backstage. If you are after a AI conference where there is no BS just content, join us to learn, exchange and connect!


See our global speakers and agenda HERE.


Why Wait? Act Now! And Share for Success!

Event Overview

1000 Attendees, 15 Speakers, 3h

Date & Time

Thursday, 17 September 2020
16:00 – 19:00 CEST
10:00 – 13:00 EDT 


Virtual Conference


All sessions are held English


By invitation and publicly available registration links


16:00 – 16:10 Welcome
16:10 – 17:00 Keynote, Panel Discussion #1
17:00 – 17:50 Keynote, Panel Discussion #2
17:50 – 18:40 Keynote, Panel Discussion #3
18:40 – 18:55 Interview
18:55 – 19:00 Event wrap-up

Detailled agenda to be announced in the next 48 hours