Unblurring the Path of AI with AIMBT – the AI Maturity and Business Modelling Toolbox

Many companies are watching the developments in the field of AI with growing interest. However, there are also many unknown factors, uncertainties and risks. Companies would like to benefit from the possibilities of AI, but often do not know where to start or how to implement a small but valuable use case without boiling the sea.

With this recognition, a consortium of experts from different backgrounds (Innovation Leaders, ICT Companies and Academia) arrived at the idea of creating a set of instruments to make the fist next steps easier – at any given point of the AI journey. This AI Maturity and Business Modeling Toolbox is to assess the potentials of AI within organisations and evaluate the concrete approaches and processes that a company can take. After 6 months of research the toolbox is associated with the following solutions:

  • Systematic evaluation of the organisation’s own AI maturity
  • Clear understanding on the potentials of leveraging AI within the organisation
  • A business canvas-like structure to identify use cases based on the maturity
  • Investment decisions underpinned by clear understanding of potentials
  • Identification of next-best-activities / best-practice for the buildup of a mature AI organization


Overview of Key Modules

The assessment

Before you start into the journey, it is always good to take a look where you are. So the first question is, where your company stands and how it can get to the next level.  We find answers to these exact questions with a systematic assessment using the innovative survey tool “Pulse”. Thanks to a scientifically developed question set, companies can reliably and easily monitor their progress toward an AI-driven company.

The Canvas

This module is based on the well-known Lean Canvas by Ash Maurya; but to make it specific to its purpose, we have supplemented it with two new, AI-relevant quadrants. As easy as I can sketch a new business idea with the Lean Canvas, the user should be able to develop possible areas of application for AI with the AI Canvas and check them for their feasibility within the company.

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The Next-Best-Step-Overview

Structured in 4 maturity levels and 5 categories – from Customer & Market, Vision / Strategy & Compliance, Culture / Organisation & Processes, People & Skills to AI Technology Building Blocks –  it gives a good overview of what should be the next best step depending on the current position. Today these recommendations are based on the experience that came out of 100 of projects conducted by our team. With the help of the Research Lab Management of Artificial Intelligence at the University of St. Gallen (HSG) we will be able to identify the main levers for the implementation of AI even better.

“Combine the strengths of a holistic, systematic framework that is suitable to reflect the real-world organizational complexity that you are most likely experiencing on a daily basis.”


The Fundamental Importance of Such a Toolbox

There is a long tradition of useful frameworks, tools and models that have helped organizations to use technology productively and professionally. When introducing new technologies, it is important to recognize that there might be a lack of clarity, vision, common understanding, or simply lack of knowing how to start to make use of it. This is also the case with AI. You see this in a lot of requests for research, but also spendings of companies and governments. With the AI Maturity and Business Modeling Toolbox we combine the strengths of a holistic, systematic framework that is suitable to reflect the real-world organizational complexity that you are most likely experiencing on a daily basis. With hands-on tools that provide structure and guidance in developing valuable use cases AND the organization itself – in order to operate AI in a professional, reliable way.


The Key Benefits of AI Maturity Approach

  • Increases speed of innovation
  • Enhances chances of success by indicating most important areas of engagement
  • Ensure value orientation of AI deployment
  • Integration: Reliability and stability of AI are critical.


The Pilot Project – It’s Your Turn to Try and Fly 

The consortium around the AI Maturity and Business Modelling Toolbox has finished a beta version of the model and ready to validate its value for organisations. Through piloting within the community of SwissCognitive, our team is ready to guide organisations during their AI journey and unblur the yet blurred paths. Benefit from the first-hand view on the model and profit from the collected know-how on what helps to create real value with AI.


Participating in Piloting – Conditions Apply

  • Your company has already addressed the application of AI or intends to do so in the near future
  • You are willing to use real company data within the framework of the AIMBT pilot and agree to the evaluation by the project team


Participating in Piloting – Registration

For participation, register online within the next 10 days under bit.ly/AIMBT.



Benefit from the first-hand view on the model and profit from the collected know-how on what helps to create real value with . Register HERE bit.ly/AIMBT.


Detailed Overview HERE


Maya Reinshagen
Director, Principal Consultant Marketing Automation
Netcentric, A Cognizant Digital Business

Frank Seifert
Head of Consulting Telecom, Energy & Media

Dr. Benjamin van Giffen
Head of Research Lab Management of Artificial Intelligence
University of St.Gallen

Tiziano Sabbioni
Professional Inventor
Creaholic SA

Andy Fitze - AI Keynote Speaker

Andy Fitze
SwissCognitive – The Global AI Hub

SwissCognitive, AI, Artificial Intelligence, Bots, CDO, CIO, CI, Cognitive Computing, Deep Learning, IoT, Machine Learning, NLP, Robot, Virtual reality, learning