Will artificial intelligence replace humans? When instituting an AI system, what is the role of humans?

1. It takes humans, such as mathematicians and computer scientists, to build a system based upon wisdom and knowledge discovery, and even in choosing what kinds of AI options are best. In the knowledge discovery process, humans find out what works and what doesn’t work.

2. It takes humans, such as software engineers, to test the system. There will be need for rigorous troubleshooting and making sure that everything works under different real-world scenarios.

3. It takes humans, such as data analysts, to monitor the system and provide “sanity checks” to make sure that the system is continuing to do what it is supposed to.

4. It takes humans, such as computer programmers, to debug the system when there are issues or breakdowns.

5. It takes humans, such as systems analysts, to provide a backup for the system. What if the system is down, and data is needed to meet demands? What manual backup system or process needs to be followed during these “down” times?

6. It takes humans, such as business analysts, to get the customer’s requirements and see that deliverables from the system match the customer’s request.

7. It takes humans, such as technical writers and analysts, to document the system and train others on the system so that others can learn how the system works in case changes need to be made, or in case other employees need to use the system.

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AI isn’t just a standalone process; it requires an ecosystem of human skills. It can automate our tasks and bring us computations and predictions at extraordinary speed, eliminating repetitious, manual or tedious jobs. But it also creates the opportunity for new, well-paying jobs from a technically skilled workforce. There will also be the “traditional” needs of a business for effective communicators, marketers, salesforces, financial experts and savvy executives who can lead and operate a company. These jobs are here to stay.

AI can improve our lives. But with this rise in technology, it’s important to also see the skills needed today that will help to propel us into our tomorrow.


Copyright by Ria Persad, President, European Chamber of Digital Commerce | Founder & CEO, StatWeather | Fellow, Cambridge Commonwealth 

Article was orininally published on The Manila Times

Ria Persad

President, European Chamber of Digital Commerce | Founder & CEO, StatWeather | Fellow, Cambridge Commonwealth

Europen Chamber of Digital Commerce

CognitiveVirtual by SwissCognitive
Global Online AI Event Series
6. May 2020

“I believe, AI will not take away jobs, but will transform the employment market by leveraging a different set of skills, improving quality of life and the global economy through the creation of jobs and also solving some of the world’s toughest problems. In that regards, AI has the power to transform not just our technological landscape, but our very economic future.”

Ria Persad

CognitiveVirtual – The online event series addressing the current usage and future potentials of AI, transparently discussing challenges and successes accross industries. Speakers include AI thought-leaders, and AI & digitalization experts from specific industries and from global levels.

6th May 2020, the online AI event attended by 942 people from 65 countries, generating global connections, knowledge transfer, and 1:1 meetings. Twelve global speakers brought around 250 years of combined knowledge and experience to our stage, expressing from different perspectives why Artificial Intelligence is much more than a tool or system that can help us to make our processes faster, more accurate and efficient. It was explored, that Artificial Intelligence is indeed a powerful a technology that can turn thousands of years worth of data into valuable information, and with that, find answers and solutions to urging global questions. It is man-made intelligence (based purely on human intelligence) that has the potential to transform our and our children’s lives for the better.