Interview with Marta Ortin from Dive Medical – Detection of visual pathologies in small children

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Combining the cognitive power and innovative method of a small local start-up with the capabilities of a global-reach enterprise can lead to ground-breaking impact. This is what a Spain-based Dive has achieved hand in hand with the Huawei.

Dalith Steiger and Andy Fitze, Co-Founders of SwissCognitive, were highly eager to speak to Marta Ortin, Data Scientist from Dive at Huawei Innovation Day in Paris on 4th November, and find out more about this strong partnership.

Ortin first explained what a huge difference it makes to detect vision impairment as early as possible, grant access to the personalized medical care, and with that, ensure that they live an absolutely normal life afterward. Secondly, Ortin revealed how the technology itself works – with the data collected from the children and sent to the smartphone of the ophthalmologists which is being run through an AI algorithm. This helps the ophthalmologists to tell the patient’s exact vision development – being that normal or abnormal, and urge for action accordingly.

Very importantly Ortin stressed the fact, how the efforts of the Dive would have been in vain if the collaboration between them and Huawei was not established. The success of being able to reach patients at remote locations of the world was made possible only by this collaboration. This highlights the importance of working together. We all need to join forces to tackle challenges, and being able to put our cognitive and technical resources into action.

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The partnership between Dive and Huawei is an excellent example to show what result collaboration can bring, and also help those in the developing world, who have no direct access to new technologies.