Successful Kick-Off event at EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
September 17th 2019 CognitiveValley – “One AI voice for Switzerland”, the first spinoff of SwissCognitive, has successfully being kicked off in the heart of Europe, at the EPFL in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Its Co-Founders, Dalith Steiger and Andy Fitze, supported by Managing Director Luca Brunner and the core initiator team, gathered a crowd of over 100 people from the private and public sectors across Switzerland to work towards the world’s first trustful and participatory movement for cognitive technologies to increase global awareness for the great Swiss AI ecosystem.


Following the tradition of Swiss public-private partnerships, the CognitiveValley movement, while endorsed by the Swiss government, acts independently and involves everyone to establish the missing links between civil society, industries, enterprises, institutes and associations. 

The non-profit Swiss rooted foundation aims to position Switzerland with a strong brand as one of the most vibrating cognitive technology environments globally. By positioning Switzerland, CognitiveValley wants to ensure a reliable, healthy and trustworthy ecosystem and sustainable Swiss welfare for the coming generations.

Walter Thurnherr Swiss Federal Chancellor


«My favorite definition is still that artificial intelligence is the art of making computers that behave like the ones in movies. … Stephen Hawking once remarked in his own unique way that he had noticed that even people who think everything is preordained still look left and right before crossing the road. Not everything is set in stone. On the contrary, it depends on us, perhaps not only on us, but we certainly play a part. So in that note, I wish you courage, vision, and a good deal of natural intelligence at this conference. Thank you.» Walter Thurnherr Swiss Federal Chancellor

«Switzerland is still leading the world in AI research in terms of citation impact. No better place for AI than Switzerland!» Jürgen Schmidhuber – Scientific Director, Swiss AI Lab IDSIA

«Political & economic stability, favorable regulatory framework as well a world class education system make Switzerland a great place for doing business. These are overall great circumstances for an excellent cognitive technology ecosystem.» Heinz Karrer – President Economiesuisse

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«Switzerland is leading the Worldwide Talent Competitiveness Index since 6 years. It says everything. :)» Nicolas Bürer – Managing Director digitalswitzerland

«CognitiveValley gives Switzerland a strong voice and great visibility internationally to underline our innovation power for artificial intelligence.» Dr. Thomas Dübendorfer – President, Swiss ICT Investor Club (SICTIC)

Together we make history! Together we make it happen – The common voice for AI!

CognitiveValley – the strong global AI brand for Switzerland

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