Twenty years ago, setting up a timer to record on a tape your favourite TV show using a VCR device or recording a message on your voicemail was a total success in technology automation.
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Written by Daniel L. Chalmeta
Even the simple task of programming a digital alarm clock to wake us up at a certain time in the morning stopped being rocket science for some of us, fulfilling an inner desire to be part of a society that was unstoppably shifting into a digital transformation.
This is just a small slice of how technology automation has changed over the past 20 years, and I assume we can all acknowledge that AI is gaining momentum, albeit regulatory authorities, legislators and lawyers not being fully sure how to adapt or embrace the change that’s currently happening. Artificial Intelligence is here, it’s the hot topic or the popular kid everyone wants to play in the park with.
AI and automation are bringing us daily benefits ; Internet and Big Data are becoming an essential part of both our work and private lives and we now have the capacity to collect huge sums of information too cumbersome for a person to process. But what will this future bring in terms of i ssues , policies and regulations ? Will the impact of AI on our society drive the study of ethics in the computer science ecosystem? Will programmers and researchers be obliged to study ethics and morals as compulsory modules throughout their learning paths?
At the moment, there is a lot of debate around the direction that the legislature or the regulations should take and we are certainly not coming up with solutions at the same speed this technology is evolving.
Similarly, there are some existing laws that could be applicable to AI, especially the ones regarding privacy law but so far, an AI law doesn’t exist as a distinct field per se. Microsoft in its “Future Computed” manual already started defining six ethical principles that should guide the development and use of artificial intelligence. These principles should ensure that AI systems are fair, reliable and safe, private and secure, inclusive, transparent, and accountable.
The application of artificial intelligence in this regard has already been quite fruitful in several industries such as technology, banking, marketing, and entertainment. “We’ve seen that even if algorithms don’t improve much, big data and massive computing simply allow artificial intelligence to learn through brute force”, says Harvard University in their latest study in Artificial Intelligence. […]
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Twenty years ago, setting up a timer to record on a tape your favourite TV show using a VCR device or recording a message on your voicemail was a total success in technology automation.
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Written by Daniel L. Chalmeta
This is just a small slice of how technology automation has changed over the past 20 years, and I assume we can all acknowledge that AI is gaining momentum, albeit regulatory authorities, legislators and lawyers not being fully sure how to adapt or embrace the change that’s currently happening. Artificial Intelligence is here, it’s the hot topic or the popular kid everyone wants to play in the park with.
AI and automation are bringing us daily benefits ; Internet and Big Data are becoming an essential part of both our work and private lives and we now have the capacity to collect huge sums of information too cumbersome for a person to process. But what will this future bring in terms of i ssues , policies and regulations ? Will the impact of AI on our society drive the study of ethics in the computer science ecosystem? Will programmers and researchers be obliged to study ethics and morals as compulsory modules throughout their learning paths?
At the moment, there is a lot of debate around the direction that the legislature or the regulations should take and we are certainly not coming up with solutions at the same speed this technology is evolving.
Similarly, there are some existing laws that could be applicable to AI, especially the ones regarding privacy law but so far, an AI law doesn’t exist as a distinct field per se. Microsoft in its “Future Computed” manual already started defining six ethical principles that should guide the development and use of artificial intelligence. These principles should ensure that AI systems are fair, reliable and safe, private and secure, inclusive, transparent, and accountable.
The application of artificial intelligence in this regard has already been quite fruitful in several industries such as technology, banking, marketing, and entertainment. “We’ve seen that even if algorithms don’t improve much, big data and massive computing simply allow artificial intelligence to learn through brute force”, says Harvard University in their latest study in Artificial Intelligence. […]
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